Who We Are

Housed within Research, Innovation and Impact, Space4 is a group of researchers with trusted and demonstrated expertise in space surveillance, planetary defense, astrodynamics, machine learning, data science, business, and law.

Together, we tackle space challenges that otherwise cannot be solved by any single academic unit or college:

  • communications
  • navigation
  • national security
  • remote sensing
  • human exploration

We help protect these space services and capabilities from space debris and other objects, ensuring the nation’s future access and operations in space.

Areas of Impact

  • Discovery and Tracking (image of each bullet; link to Research tab)
  • Object identification (Characterization)
  • Astrodynamics and machine learning
  • Data visualization and analytics
  • Workforce Development
    • Military and Veterans Training
    • Undergraduate Students
    • Graduate Students



Discovery and Tracking (image of each bullet; link to Research tab)

  • Finding newly launched objects and tracking them to determine their orbit and maintaining custody.

Object identification (Characterization)

  • Identifying space objects based on their brightness and color characteristics so we can fingerprint them.

Astrodynamics and machine learning

Data visualization and analytics

[Include the following as a honeycomb infographic]

  • College of Engineering
  • College of Science
    • Lunar & Planetary Laboratory 
    • Steward Observatory
  • James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences
  • College of Law
  • Eller College of Management
  • College of Applied Science and Technology 
  • UA-ARC
  • Research, Innovation and Impact
    • Institute for Computation and Data-Enabled Insight
    • Data Science Institute
    • University of Arizona Space Institute
    • BIO5 Institute


Space Domain Awareness Observatory (SDO)

We have a long-standing relationship with Biosphere 2 (B2) and have collaborated on numerous outreach and public service events with them. We are expanding our footprint with the installation of two new passive RF antennas (2.4-m and 5.3-m) at Biosphere 2 and a larger 1.0-m optical sensor.

Lunar and Planetary Laboratory Spectroscopy Lab

Dr. Visnu Reddy's LPL Spectroscopy Lab characterizes how materials reflect light at different wavelengths.  These materials can be parts of spacecraft, meteorites, or chemical and material analogs. The lab has spectrometers that measure reflectance properties from a wavelength range of 0.2microns to 25microns. The lab also houses vacuum chambers that allow researchers to replicate the vacuum of space and control temperatures from 70K to 1,200K and take spectra of materials under these conditions.

Space Systems Engineering Laboratory (SSEL)

Dr. Roberto Furfaro's SSEL plays a crucial role in supporting the Space4 center's mission of enhancing space safety, security, and sustainability through the development and application of advanced AI-based technologies and techniques. The lab is instrumental in providing support and expertise in the development and implementation of its space domain awareness architecture. This includes the development of tools and algorithms for automating key functions, such as observation planning, optimal telescope tasking, and control, and object catalog maintenance, by leveraging its expertise in artificial intelligence and space engineering. In addition to supporting the SDA architecture, SSEL conducts research on advanced orbit determination and propagation methods based on cutting-edge machine learning techniques. This research is critical in enabling the center to accurately and timely track and predict the movements of artificial objects in space, with a particular focus on the characterization of satellites in cislunar orbit. SSEL will also work closely with the Space4 Center to identify and address potential challenges and gaps in the current system, as well as provide recommendations for improvements and enhancements. 

o Grand Challenges Research Building [Rendering and Space4 use]

  • Space4 will have office and lab space in GCRB once construction is completed in 2024.

o Applied Research Building [Rendering and Space4 use] -- I will add this but will unpub for now

o Telescopes [I'd like images of the six telescopes with the students working on them, and with descriptions of each; I'm working on it]

  • RAPTORS-1: On Campus
  • RAPTORS-2: At B2
  • SPECTRE: At B2
  • Stingray: At B2
  • C14: At B2
  • PW12.5: At B2