Our Team

Photo of many Space4 staff and partners

Faculty and Staff

Lorenzo Federici

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Advisor: Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Systems and Industrial Engineering

Andrea D'Ambrosio

Postdoctoral Research Associate
Advisor: Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Systems and Industrial Engineering


Adam Battle

Graduate Research Assistant
Advisors: Vishnu Reddy and Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

David Cantillo

Graduate Student
Advisor: Vishnu Reddy
Home Department: Lunar and Planetary Laboratory

Isaac Charcos

Graduate Research Assistant
Advisor: Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Systems and Industrial Engineering

Kristofer Drozd

Graduate Research Assistant
Advisor: Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Systems and Industrial Engineering

Agustin Espinoza

Undergraduate Student
Advisor: Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Systems and Industrial Engineering

Luca Ghilardi

Graduate Research Assistant
Advisor: Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Systems and Industrial Engineering

Thomas Joyce

Undergraduate Student, formerly with Space4
Advisor: Vishnu Reddy
Home Departments: Astronomy and Physics

Rebecca Lersch

Undergraduate Student
Advisor: Vishnu Reddy
Home Department: Electrical and Computer Engineering

Owen Miller

Undergraduate Student
Advisor: Vishnu Reddy
Home Department: Pre-Business

Andrea Scorsoglio

Graduate Research Assistant
Advisor: Roberto Furfaro
Home Department: Systems and Industrial Engineering


Luke Mayer

Graduate Research Assistant
Advisors: Daewook Kim and Vishnu Reddy
Wyant College of Optical Sciences