Internal Submission Deadline: May 17, 2024
Number of Applications Allowed Per Applicant: 2
Award Range: Up to $5,000
Cycle: FY2024
Applications: Accepted through Arizona Cultivate
Space4 Center Firefly Grants for Business Development Travel:
- These business development Firefly Travel Grants are to be used to enhance the Space4 mission by developing new contacts and partners who will participate in and any research supporting the mission of the Department of Defense and the intelligence community.
- The grants pay for faculty/staff to travel to meet with program officers and funding agency representatives. The expectation is that the faculty would come for provide a short email briefing to to present their justification for travel funding.
- There will be no formal written proposal requirement for these grants and the turnaround time is typically 2 weeks from the pre-travel briefing to funding.
- The post-award requirement is a debrief email to that will be shared with Space4 staff to share the research intelligence that was gathered and a description for a plan of action towards a white paper or formal proposal.
- We expect to award 10 grants per year for a maximum amount of $5,000 per faculty to cover the reimbursement of actual travel costs.
Special Priority: These travel award grants are released on a first come basis.
Travel Support Grant submission